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Bridging the Gap The Neo Geo, the Media Imaginary, and the Domestication of Arcade Games

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Bridging the Gap The Neo Geo, the Media Imaginary, and the Domestication of Arcade Games Empty Bridging the Gap The Neo Geo, the Media Imaginary, and the Domestication of Arcade Games

Message par Bhamadicharef Lun 2 Avr 2018 - 9:08

Salut A tous

Un article en Anglais

Bridging the Gap The Neo Geo, the Media Imaginary, and the Domestication of Arcade Games
Benjamin Nicoll (The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
Games and Culture, Volume: 12 issue: 2, page(s): 200-221  (First Published June 9, 2015; pp. 200–221)

Abstract :: This article recovers the popular imaginaries surrounding an obsolete video game platform, the Neo Geo Advanced Entertainment System (AES), through a thematic discourse analysis of British and North American gaming magazines from the 1990s. Released in Japan in 1990, the Neo Geo AES was marketed as a home video game system capable of bridging the gap between the public space of the gaming arcade and the domestic environment of the home. “Imaginaries” in this context refer to the dreams and fantasies that accompanied the Neo Geo AES’s negotiation of arcade and home spaces as well as the discourses, images, ideas, and beliefs that helped mold its identity as a cultural object. Gaming magazines, I argue, help articulate how the system’s failure was tied to its unsuccessful navigation of cultural tensions during a period when gaming culture underwent a rapid relocation from the arcade to the home

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Je vais essayer de traduire l'article en Francais !

Brahim @ Singapore :: NeoGeo

Messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 19/03/2018
Localisation : Singapore


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Bridging the Gap The Neo Geo, the Media Imaginary, and the Domestication of Arcade Games Empty Re: Bridging the Gap The Neo Geo, the Media Imaginary, and the Domestication of Arcade Games

Message par neogeocdworld Lun 2 Avr 2018 - 21:47

cheers cheers
Sinon je suis preneur du PDF

Edit: Merci et du coup je suis assez surpris par le contenu XD

Bridging the Gap The Neo Geo, the Media Imaginary, and the Domestication of Arcade Games NEOGEOCDWORLDsign
Mintissime !
Mintissime !

Messages : 1520
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2015


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